Agenda, 12/3

3 12 2009


1. Submit WA5 Friday, as originally planned. I’ll respond to those between now and Monday.

2. Submit your Research Portfolio to me by Monday, 12/7.

3. By Tuesday, have ready a rough plan for your final ethnography and some relatively concrete ideas about how you will approach the CSW and the Commerce Writes Symposium. We’ll discuss these in groups and ready ourselves for the Friday, 12/11 show.

4. Monday, 12/7, (and Tuesday, if necessary) we’ll have one-on-one conferences to discuss your WA4 in terms of your final project, your research portfolio, and feedback on your WA5.

5. We’ve had a couple of days with no class or class cut short, so perhaps we can absorb this one-on-one conference without disrupting too much of your week. In any case, Thursday will be a day for you to work on your projects–preferably here with the rest of us.

NOTE ON PORTFOLIO:  If you have already begun developing a physical portfolio and feel better about going this route, then go for it! No problem on my end. We’ll just have to tweak your submission process a little. Bring it in to me during your scheduled conference time (see above) and we’ll examine it together to make sure you are on track. At the end of term, you’ll have to give up your Research Portfolio. But we’ll return it to you after the Spring semester begins. Just ask!

If you go with the physical portfolio, continue to think of it in terms of the major categories listed in the guide for your Research Portfolio. Your annotated bibliography should draw our attention to those relevant bits represented in each of those categories and should still function as your table of contents. But be creative in terms of making the WA5 work in relationship with the Research Portfolio. Whatever you do with it, WA5/Table of Contents should serve as a guide for readers AND fulfill the objectives of this assignment–namely, getting these elements of your research process foregrounded so we can see the rigor of your research process.


Monday–conferences (see above)

Tuesday–work out plans for final ethnography and presentations

Thursday–same, with special attention paid to the

Friday–Celebration of Student Writing


3 12 2009

So how many of you have already created a physical Research Portfolio, making bringing it into an online version difficult?

Shoot me an email if you are one of those folks. To

There’s likely an alternative that won’t require you to recreate this thing for cyberspace. Still keep pressing forward with your WA5s, folks. I know you are stressing. We’ll have time to work on Thursday during class and I’ll do what I can to answer your questions.

The good news: If we can get this stuff out of the way this week, we can focus on writing next week and making plans for get some of this work to serve you in multiple forums. I think that’s a natural way to go about this sort of thing.